Facebook-owned WhatsApp has made the announcement that at present it boasts one billion monthly active users, who are actively engaged in sending 42 billion messages as well as sharing 1.6 billion photos on a daily basis.
The announcement is an aftermath of a similar WhatsApp announcement of 900 million monthly active users last September, which is barely days after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed 1.59 billion monthly active users for the social network.
Of course, one would be right to say getting to a billion users is one mega achievement for WhatsApp, but it’s also a bit of a intellectual vindication for Zuckerberg.
To make sure of Facebook’s $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp two years ago, Zuckerberg boldly made the predictions that the app would one day attain a billion users.
Back at the time of the acquisition, WhatsApp boasted 450 million monthly active users.
Now we see Zuckerberg’s predictions boldly filling into reality!
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