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The New MTN BlackBerry BBLITE Subscription Codes are Available Here

by Unknown , at January 21, 2016 , have 1 comment

Lately, MTN has been very busy updating & upgrading some of their plans & services and that's the main reason why you've been getting different kind of errors or at times, no response when you try to activate some of  their services or data plans.

Some do not get any response nor get activated whenever they try to subscribe to the BBLITE package, even after sending the usual 'BBLITED', 'BBLITEW'or 'BBLITEM' as a text message to '21600'.

This is to informyou that there are new USSD codes for the activation of these plans. The codes have been highlighted and explained in the paragraphs below for your usage.

*131*6*3*7*3#- This is the USSD code for theBBLITE Daily Subscriptionand it costs#70 onlyfor24Hours duration. Although, you'll get a message that you have 10MB for the plan after activating the plan, but using this plan with the Simple Android Server on your Android Phone or the Simple Server on PC automatically extends the data to 5GB.

*131*6*3*7*2#- This is the USSD code for theBBLITE Weekly Subscriptionand it costs#350 onlyfor7 days duration. Although, you'll get a message that you have 70MB for the plan after activating the plan, but using this plan with the Simple Android Server on your Android Phone or the Simple Server on PC automatically extends the data to 5GB.

*131*6*3*7*1#- This is the USSD code for theBBLITE Monthly Subscriptionand it costs#1000 onlyfor30 days duration. Although, you'll get a message that you have 280MB for the plan after activating the plan, but using this plan with the Simple Android Server on your Android Phone or the Simple Server on PC automatically extends the data to 5GB.

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The New MTN BlackBerry BBLITE Subscription Codes are Available Here
The New MTN BlackBerry BBLITE Subscription Codes are Available Here - written by Unknown , published at January 21, 2016 . And have 1 comment
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