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8 Things You Should Not Do With Your Android Phones

by Unknown , at January 28, 2016 , have 0 comments

As a new smartphone user, you try to install every app. You better relax first and take it easy, else you might ‘press spoil’ on your new device.

I decided to compile a list of things you should never try as a new Android phone user.

1. Installing apps from unknown or untrusted sources (trusted sources include, Google Play, Amazon App Store, and F-Droid) .

2. Installing two or more antivirus app on the same device.

3. Clearing your RAM constantly. This is equivalent to switching off your car’s ignition after every stop in traffic. The car takes longer (or more effort) to restart- same with apps.

4. Installing task managers. We only recommend Greenify.

5. Rooting without careful preparation and research.

6. Installing one or more battery saving apps.

7. Disable apps you do not know their purpose without researching first. Seriously, never do this!!

8. Run away from Clean Master or any of it’s numerous clones tagged “CM”. It is full of ads and malware!!

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8 Things You Should Not Do With Your Android Phones
8 Things You Should Not Do With Your Android Phones - written by Unknown , published at January 28, 2016 . And have 0 comments
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